The Fujifilm X100V: A Long-Term Review 3
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Great review, thanks.

A handgrip improves the 100v experience. I use the Wepoto wooden grip which is amazingly well designed.

Grateful for your thoughts on the 100v. Very useful.


Last edited 1 year ago by Keith
David Zack

I still use the original X100. Love, love, love this camera! Thought about upgrading but it continues to satisfy my needs. Great write up.


I fell on my Fuji with Xm1, nowadays I shoot with XT1 and XT4 with manual lenses of all focal lengths. I am just overwhelmed with XTrans series (also in possession of Nikon Z5, Canon 5DIII), shots with Fuji are pure art. Even XT1 has an lovely filters and yes all is manually adjuster, WB, color grading etc…. Love


Hi Kenny and thanks for the great write up! Interested to see you use a Warm Black Pro-Mist filter. Can you tell me what strength you use please and do you just leave it on?

Have you ever had the X100F? I have one and would like to move over to the V for the peace of mind weather resistance gives and for the tilt screen, as the floor is a lot further down than it used to be! I’ve noticed that a lot of the photos online taken with the V appear much sharper than those taken with the F, not something I particularly want. I’m happy with the ‘gentle sharpness’ of the F. The reviews, however, say the centre sharpness is about the same. What do you think might be the reason for this? Thanks again!

Robert Nichols

Excellent review. One minor correction: the Drive/Delete button is not remappable. Also, unless I missed it, you didn’t mention the digital teleconverter, which allows 50 and 70 mm equivalent views and photos.

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