Boris FX, the leading developer of integrated effects technology for video and film, today announced that its flagship Boris Continuum Complete product line has been updated to Version 6.0.4. The Boris Continuum Complete (BCC) product line includes BCC AE for Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro, BCC FxPlug for Apple Final Cut Pro, Apple Motion, and Apple Final Cut Express, and BCC AVX for Avid editing and finishing systems. The new Version 6.0.4 release includes a revamped optical stabilizer filter, enhanced support for Adobe Premiere Pro and Apple Motion, new animated presets for BCC 6’s 3D Objects filters, and official support for Apple Final Cut Pro 7, Apple Motion 4, Avid Media Composer 4, Avid Symphony 4, and Avid NewsCutter 8.
What’s New in Boris Continuum Complete Version 6.0.4
• Enhanced Apple Motion Integration. BCC 6 FxPlug’s 3D Objects filters now allow 3D extruded text, logos, and EPS graphics to respond to Motion’s native camera.
• Revamped Optical Stabilizer Filter. BCC Optical Stabilizer, which automatically smoothes or completely eliminates shaky camera motion, now provides more feedback during the image analysis process. In addition, a new Autoscale option automatically transform scales a locked down clip so that it fills the frame or composite window.
• Improved Adobe Premiere Pro Support. Based on award-winning Optical Flow and Motion Tracking technology, workhorse BCC AE filters such as Optical Stabilizer, Corner Pin, Match Move, Witness Protection, and Motion Blur are now available in Premiere Pro Version 4.1.
• Animated 3D Objects Presets for Adobe After Effects and Avid. BCC 6’s Animated Presets option has been extended to include the BCC 3D Objects category of filters. This powerful feature lets users save animated effects for use in other projects or BCC hosts.
• New Swish Pan Transition Filter for BCC AVX. BCC Swish Pan enables editors to create fast, camera pan-style transitions between clips. The filter is fully automated and includes controls for the velocity of the pan with on-screen display of the ease-in and ease-out curve.
• Support for Apple Final Cut Pro 7 and Apple Motion 4. BCC 6.0.4 FxPlug introduces official support for Mac OS X Snow Leopard as well as Apple’s new Final Cut Studio release.
• Support for Avid’s New Editing Software Releases. BCC 6.0.4 AVX introduces official support for Avid Media Composer 4, Avid Symphony 4, and Avid NewsCutter 8.
BCC 6.0.4 AE is a free update for BCC 6.x AE users, BCC 6.0.4 FxPlug is a free update for BCC 6.x FxPlug users, and BCC 6.0.4 AVX is a free update for BCC 6.x AVX users. The BCC 6.0.4 updates are available for download from the Boris FX web site at Full-functioning 14-day trial versions are also available for free download.
About Boris FX
Founded in 1995, Boris FX is the leading developer of integrated graphics and effects technology, delivering 3D compositing and vector graphic products for broadcast, post-production, film, and multimedia. Boris products have grown to serve millions of artists worldwide. The company’s success lies in its ability to integrate and leverage technologies through strong partnerships with industry-leading developers such as Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Avid, Grass Valley, Media 100, and Sony.

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