EditShare and MoovIT GmbH have a joint webinar today on how to ‘Automate and Optimize Adobe Workgroups with FLOW and Helmut’. Register to attend.
With Work from Home being the new normal, and remote collaboration being a key element for much of the production chain in media and entertainment, a multitude of solutions are beinf offered by different companies. Here is the most recent announcement made by EditShare, presented as “the complete package professional editors have been waiting for.”
EditShare, a technology leader that specializes in secure media management, collaboration and intelligent storage solutions for video content creators, and MoovIT GmbH, developers of the Helmut suite of Adobe workflow tools, announced exclusive global partnership that transforms Adobe enterprise workflows.
As the use of Adobe creative tools in distributed collaborative environments continues to grow, the need for a robust media management environment that connects users, content, and media becomes even more critical for workflow efficiency. EditShare’s EFS shared storage solution and FLOW media management, integrated with the Helmut suite of products, form, say both companies, the industry’s most comprehensive project management and remote editing workflow solution for enterprise Adobe workgroups.
Better workflow for Adobe editors and artists
“To succeed in the evolving world of video production, our customers are looking to EditShare to provide open solutions that allow them to rewire their workflows and adapt,” states Tom Rosenstein, vice president of business development, EditShare. “EditShare’s expanded partnership with MoovIT allows us to bring to our Adobe customers a powerful, adaptable set of tools to address those challenges head-on. The Helmut platform coupled with EFS and FLOW, embodies the workflow structure users require. Powerful, yet simple, collaborative Adobe Premiere Pro project management alongside adaptive media production management. It’s the complete package professional editors have been waiting for.”
Helmut solutions are used by leading broadcasters, newsrooms, sports leagues, corporations and new media organizations for their robust project management and administration, enhancing creative workflows for large distributed Adobe workgroups.
“Partnering with EditShare gives us a significant advantage in developing collaborative editing workgroup solutions for Adobe customers. EditShare’s strategy of empowering creatives through a robust set of open APIs enables us to bring the full potential of Helmut’s project management capabilities, creating better workflow and richer end-user experience for Adobe editors and artists,” states Wolfgang Felix, managing director of MoovIT. “The unbeatable combination of EFS, FLOW, and Helmut provide a resilient media foundation with the flexibility for large Adobe workgroups to work on premise or in the cloud, which is critical for supporting today’s climate of rapidly changing business models.”
Scalable to the enterprise level, EFS, FLOW and Helmut integrated workflow offers a media technology foundation that combines storage, media management, workflow automation, and workgroup management for a proven all-in-one solution. EditShare is the exclusive reseller (excluding the DACH region) of the Helmut suite of products.
To learn more about powering collaborative Adobe Workflows join EditShare and MoovIT on July 22, 2020 at 9am EDT and again at 2pm EDT for a webinar on how to ‘Automate and Optimize Adobe Workgroups with FLOW and Helmut’. To register for one of the time slots, visit:

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