After Effects: Using Deadline for a Render Farm 15
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Allan Barnwell

Great article! Running aerender is a popular solution among our Dataclay Templater users to enable quick turnaround of thousands of versioned videos. While it is still necessary to have one or more After Effects systems running Templater to handle the versioning of .aep files, rendering those AE project files is the real bottleneck in most cases. Templater offers the option to to remove the Templater plugin from the versioned .aep file – but we have found it to be more reliable to install one of our perpetual Templater Rig license on each render system. It appears Deadline would be a great complement to a Templater-driven render farm, and I can even see potential to integrate the Deadline api with our QUE api for true scaling of completely automated video workflows!

David Brown

Thanks for sharing!!!!

David Brown

Thanks for sharing!!!!!

Eddie Lerner

That’s a really interesting solution- although the UI is a bit deterring for the amount of options. There are a few more amazing network rendering solutions out there that are pretty easy to use and set up (setting up simplicity is very important from my experience). We tried many tools in our studio and we decided to use Render Brain(I also use it in my house on 3 machines), mainly for its simplicity and direct connection with other VDODNA versioning tools. At the bottom line Render Brain was the easiest to set up and to use by the studio motion designers and it is still free.

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