What's New and Changed in After Effects CS5.5 is a free new Video2brain workshop, with Adobe Technical Support Lead Todd Kopriva, who is the guide on the changes in After Effects CS5.5.
Todd shows “how to use the new Warp Stabilizer and Camera Lens Blur effects, camera layer settings for depth-of-field blur, camera commands, stereoscopic 3D features, and light falloff properties. You'll also see how to use source timecode, how time controls have been modified to be easier and more informative, and how both importing and exporting have been enhanced, including improved Adobe Media Encoder and RED digital cinema support. In addition to all of these major changes, you'll be introduced to variety of user interface improvements and helpful tweaks that will make your work in After Effects easier and more productive.”
Pictured is the intro to ETLAT; for more on that see ETLAT: Edit this, look at that.
Here are a few other overviews of AE CS 5.5:
After Effects CS5.5: What's new and changed and more recent articles by Todd Kopriva.
After Effects CS5.5 New Creative Techniques by Chris Meyer, on PVC and AdobeTV.
After Effects CS5.5 New Features by Mark Christiansen also covers the new features of After Effects CS5.5, including the new Warp Stabilizer, 3D Stereoscopic workflow, Lens Effects tools, light falloff, and workflow improvements. Exercise files are included with the course at Lynda.com, which has various free trials offers.

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