PVC Experts & Answers Webinars: UAV's, Green Screens and Post with Jeff Foster
The ability for folks of all different production experiences and skill levels to be creative has never been more powerful. UAV's (unmanned aerial vehicles) allow anyone from a major motion picture director to a realtor grab footage that showcases their content in an amazing new light. Green screens allow you to add incredible elements to your production, and you can pull all of these elements together in post to achieve something really spectacular. Figuring out how all these pieces fit together can be a challenge though, and that's why we're going to talk with Jeff Foster, who has years of experience making these pieces fit.
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Past Webinars:
The Benefits of Using 4K Now 
Although 4K content is still slowly being adopted by the masses, creative professionals with an eye towards the future are seeing great value in upgrading to 4K video now. Please join us to hear from James Fox, Founder & CEO of Dawnrunner and Scott Hamilton, Media & Entertainment Market Strategist at Dell, for a discussion on the benefits of using 4K. James will share how his company been leveraging this technology on creative projects and Scott will share what Dell and NVIDIA hardware and software technology you need to be the most productive in 4K.
Watch the Archived Presenation
The Role of VFX and Color in Controversial Films 
Join Peter Hjorth, VFX designer and colorist as he takes you through his journey working with famed Director Lars von Trier on the controversial films Nymphomaniac: Vol I and Vol II, and Melancholia. Peter will lead us through how von Trier conceptualized the looks for these radically different visual experiences, and some of the challenges they faced using VFX to tell these provocative stories. From the lush colors of Melancholia to the raw starkness of the Nymphomaniac series, Hjorth and von Trier utilized a pipeline that featured ASSIMILATE SCRATCH with GenArts Sapphire plug-ins that blended color and VFX together in a single tool for extremely fluid and creative Advanced DI sessions. Hjorth will guide you through specific shots and scenes from both films and will take live questions at the end of the session.
Watch the Archived Presenation

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