When I first heard of Adobe Video World, I thought “What is this place and how do I get there?” I envisioned a planet, not unlike Coruscant from Star Wars, where Adobe Jedis convene and discuss disturbances in the force. Come to learn this year’s Adobe Video World conference is the first of its kind, combining the successes of past Premiere Pro World and After Effects World Conferences into one 6-day Adobe galaxy… far far away in San Jose. [Star Wars theme plays.]
When I first heard of Adobe Video World, I thought “What is this place and how do I get there?” I envisioned a planet, not unlike Coruscant from Star Wars, where Adobe Jedis convene and discuss disturbances in the force. Come to learn this year’s Adobe Video World conference is the first of its kind, combining the successes of past Premiere Pro World and After Effects World Conferences into one 6-day Adobe galaxy… far far away in San Jose. [Star Wars theme plays.]
I have one regret as a Premiere Pro user and that is having not started cutting with it sooner. I am a “switcher”. Like many, I moved to Premiere Pro in the wake of FCP7, which coincided nicely with getting hired as the video editor for JK Design, a Creative Cloud based full-service agency. I very quickly realized the powers of Premiere Pro; it empowered me to edit the way I wanted to and it came with the entire collection of Creative Cloud desktop and mobile applications. It wasn’t long before I started evangelizing and Premiere Bro was spawned.
So I am going to Adobe Video World and I couldn’t be more excited! I have the opportunity to collaborate with Adobe’s social media team to help promote Adobe Video World and, in doing so, accomplish my #1 goal: to enrich the Premiere Pro editing experience and user community. This is my first event of this nature and, not wanting to look like Jar Jar Binks away from Naboo, I decided it would be a good time to dig a little deeper into the “About” pages surrounding Adobe Video World.
Perhaps you’re like me in that you’d be surprised to learn that Adobe Video World is not put on by Adobe. It’s actually produced by a company called Future Media Concepts, a “premier” (pun intended) Adobe software training center with a growing number of national and international locations. They are certified in other post production software too but I forget their names… 🙂 Knowing Adobe Video World is the product of Future Media Concepts really boosts its authenticity score. It’s not like a manufacturer pushing its products at its own event. Instead, these are Adobe video community leaders who are producing this event for the benefit of the Adobe video community.
If Chris Pratt walked by me, it might come up at the dinner table. But if Walter Murch walked by me, I’d be like “Duuuude! The worst part of Adobe’s monthly subscription is not having a Premiere Pro disc case for you to sign!” So I admit I get a little starstruck when it comes to the post production and Adobe training industries. It’s cool to connect the dots by seeing familiar names like Jeff Greenberg, Nick Harauz, and Luisa Winters are associated with FMC and will be speaking at Adobe Video World. I’m particularly excited to attend some of their sessions such as:
- FCP7 to Premiere Pro: A Case Study
- A Whole New Way To Color Correct: Using the Lumetri Effect for All Your Fixes
- Compositing and Keying in Premiere Pro
The worst part of Adobe Video World is, by far, having to decide between such great sessions! This conference needs to be another six days.
Combining the Premiere Pro World and After Effects World Conferences allows two days of overlap where editors, motion graphics and animation designers can mingle. Let’s just call these the Dynamic Link days, OK? Personally, as an editor that increasingly has to wear many hats—a.k.a After Effects and Audition—I’m thrilled to expand my skill set by attending some After Effects sessions. Thanks to Dynamic Link, After Effects is basically another Premiere Pro panel but fancier.
If you’re not able to attend Adobe Video World, it’s my aim to make it feel like you’re not missing out, but still whet your appetite for attending next year. Follow Adobe’s social media streams (Premiere Pro on Facebook/Twitter, After Effects on Facebook/Twitter, and Adobe Video & Audio on Facebook/Twitter) as well as @premierebro and premierebro.com for live updates and content.
If you are going to Adobe Video World, I look forward to seeing you there! I love making connections via social media, but making real-life Friend Requests and Likes are so much better.
Please send feedback/changes to Sean Schools at [email protected].

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