They have arrived! The much anticipated Zeiss Compact Prime CP2 Lenses are now available from Zacuto Rentals and can be shipped anywhere nationwide.
Specifically targeting the HDSLR hybrid market, these cine-style lenses are designed for shooters who are accustomed to cinema style shooting and need extreme accuracy in focus and greater aperture control.
Now available for rental: Zeiss CP2 Lenses in 21mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm and 85mm. Contact Leo or Joe for current availability and pricing options at 312.863.3453 or email [email protected]. Come watch the unveiling of the new CP2 lenses on the video above. Starring: Jens Bogehegn and Leo Koesterer. Get ready for the next big game changer in DSLR filmmaking!
Visit Zacuto Rentals for more information:

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