In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe gets you up to speed with basic editing inside of Avid Media Composer, then he moves on to talk about creating timeline views including Audio Waveform as well as Audio mixing views, to make mulit-tasking in your day to day work, as simple as possible!
Let’s move away from talking about bins in this lesson, to talking about editing. This is obviously the core of your workflow, but for me, I think that the editing is actually the easiest part of your job. The dropping of clips into your timeline, and rearranging them is fairly straight forward when it comes to teaching people how to edit. What’s not as easy is all the other little bells and whistles that will make the editing process as smooth as possible. That’s why I wanted to also talk about Timeline Views in this lesson, as they are quick to set up, and are great for quickly switching back and forth to, for things like Audio Mixing right in your timeline.
To keep up to speed when new Tutorials are released, follow Kevin on Twitter @kpmcauliffe, or send him an e-mail at [email protected], or subscribe to the YouTube Channel to stay up to date on new Media Composer tutorials!

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