The FilmFellas discuss the other side of being a Director of Photography: the psychology of film production and the art of collaboration. They elaborate on having great crews with great attitudes who remain adaptable on set.
Zacuto Films presents their first ASC cast with FilmFellas Cast 8: ASC Cinematographers in 5 Webisodes. Starring: Stephen Goldblatt ASC, BSC, (Julie & Julia, Closer), Rodney Charters ASC, CSC, (Television Series: 24), Nancy Schreiber ASC (The Nines) and returning Host Jens Bogenhegn (DP/Producer of FilmFellas/critics). Directed by Steve Weiss. Come watch this award winning ASC cast share their trials and tribulations of being a Director of Photography in New Hollywood. Now in their 8th Season, the FilmFellas webisodic series premieres June 16, 2010 only at Zacuto!
Jens Bogenhegn (DP/Producer of FilmFellas/critics)
Stephen Goldblatt ASC, BSC (Cinematographer)
Rodney Charters ASC, CSC (Cinematographer/Director)
Nancy Schreiber ASC (Cinematographer)
Watch the rest of the series at

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