How they made the Old Spice Super Bowl commercial
If you watched the Super Bowl just a couple of weeks ago then you probably say the Old Spice...
Random Tips from a Professional Camera Operator
Teaching the craft of camera operating is extremely difficult to do well, so I’m going to do it half-assed...
First impressions of the Euphonix MC Color
The delivery guy walked in the door just over a week ago with a box containing a sparking, new,...
In the Editblog garage: Euphonic MC Color
A package arrived yesterday that contained a shiny, new MC Color control surface from Euphonix. We have the unit...
On Extended Vignette Techniques
Our most recent video course is After Effects: Extended Vignette Techniques, available exclusively through Creating vignettes – darkening...
Canon Rebel T2i / EOS 550D
The intertubes are buzzing this week with the announcement of the Canon Rebel T2i (also known as the EOS...
Deeper Modes of Expression, Part 2: Interpolation Methods
As we noted last month, we’re serializing the Deeper Modes of Expression bonus chapter from our book Creating Motion...
Canon is a Battleship, Red is a Destroyer
There’s been a lot of speculation on the new camcorder that Canon is revealing today at the SF SuperMeet....
User Interface Design for Hollywood
We’ve all noticed the really bad “you’ve got mail” computer and data display screens that pop up in Hollywood...
Steven Soderbergh featurette on shooting Che with RED
The upcoming Criterion release of Steven Soderbergh’s “Che” has a brilliant little featurette in the disc that talks about...