Boris FX, the leading developer of integrated effects technology for video and film, announced that the Boris Continuum Chroma Key Unit now includes a Chroma Key Studio filter for real-time previews and rendering in Apple Final Cut Pro, Motion, and Final Cut Express.
Chroma Key Studio builds on the strength of Boris Continuum Complete’s keying and compositing tools with features such as a best-of-breed chroma key process, spill suppression, matte choker, and a light wrap compositing step. All four tools are combined in one, easy-to-use filter; users do not need to stack multiple filters to pre and post process video.
In addition to Chroma Key Studio, the Boris Continuum Chroma Key Unit includes the following filters for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro in addition to Apple Pro Video Applications:
• BCC Chroma Key for compositing camera footage shot using a blue, green, or orange screen as a backdrop over a new background video or a still image from a separate file. The Chroma Key filter includes a variety of Spill Suppression parameters.
• BCC Matte Choker for tweaking the blur, choke, and softening along the edges of a key.
• BCC Light Wrap to reflect the background image around the edges of a foreground image to form a border. This creates a more convincing composite by making it appear as if the images were shot in the same environment.
• BCC Match Grain for sampling the grain from the background and applying it to the foreground, generating the appearance that the clips were shot on the same camera.
• BCC Color Match for sampling the highlight, midtone, and shadow regions in the foreground and background images and blending some of the background color and luma values into the foreground, contributing to a seamless composite.
Pricing and Availability
Boris Continuum Chroma Key is immediately available through the Boris FX worldwide reseller channel and direct from the Boris FX web site at for an MSRP of $299 USD. Customers who purchase the Boris Continuum Chroma Key Unit or any other Boris Continuum Unit may credit the price of the Unit towards the full Boris Continuum Complete plug-in suite.
Existing Boris Continuum Chroma Key Unit customers may download the Chroma Key Studio filter as a free update from the Boris FX web site at
For more information, please visit the Boris FX web site at
About Boris FX
Founded in 1995, Boris FX is the leading developer of integrated graphics and effects technology, delivering 3D compositing and vector graphic products for the broadcast, post production, film and multimedia markets. Boris products have grown to serve over 200,000 artists worldwide. The company’s success lies in its ability to tightly integrate and leverage technologies through strong partnerships with industry-leading manufacturers such as Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Avid, Grass Valley, Media 100, and Sony.

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