Right now, the only Blackmagic cameras that shoots high frame-rates are the URSA and the Studio Cameras. But, what's coming next? Wild speculations and how to use your NLE to create slow-motion footage from your Cinema, Pocket, and Production camera.
There is magic about time distorted. Time, sped up or slowed-down can uniquely create a heightened feeling of emotion and was one of the reasons for the digital revolution we are now in.
for me, I love the look out of Blackmagic cameras. From the Cinema to the URSA; they all look great. A
There is no special sauce for crafting. Forget the fast motion. Forget those sports shots. This slow-motion is really just slow when everything is moving at a relatively normal speed.
30P for 23.97 TIME-LINE?
NAB 2015?
Might we see a new Blackmagic Camera that has 120 frames for second? Hell, I'll take 60p or 48p for now. But, to be honest I really want 120. I understand there is a planned upgrade to the URSA to include 120fps. That's great. Is it in 4K. Is it 1080 only. Please be in 4k with 240fps for 1080. Pretty please…. are you listening Blackmagic…

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