Adobe delivers innovations and AI tools for video pros
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Jordan Shlansky

INNOVATIONS? 😂 Sure about that??

Give me a break! Switching the need for massive RAM to massive DISK SPACE for AE for something other apps have done and still do better for years, if not DECADES, because they don’t have to rely on frameworks from the last century?? Oh puh-leeze.

Adobe apps have become such an embarrassing collection of archaic TURDS it’s not even funny anymore. Pair that with having to literally pay monthly ransom money for your own IP, and you seriously have to question why they are even still in business.

If you have bought into this pathetic Ponzi scheme, I seriously pity you.

Scott Simmons

Hey it’s that fake email “glitter blocks” comment troll again. Welcome back “Jordan Shlansky.”

Jordan Shlansky

Hey, it’s that Scott again. Whenever he doesn’t agree let alone have any real arguments to bring to the table, it’s “trolling”. Got it. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Scott Simmons

It’s trolling when you use the same junk email address and different names every time you comment.

Alex ‘4D’ Gollner

‘Adobe Delivers’? Releases in Beta now, hypes at NAB in April.

Actually delivers in mid-June.

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