I’m surprised that more people haven’t talked about this… I am on vacation on a mountain-top (hence a little removed from civilization). I was flipping through the paper and saw this:
Visual Effects Master Stan Winston, 62.
Turns out one of the greatest visual FX and animators in the world passed away on June 15.
I suspect most of you know his name and work. Some of the accomplishments include :
Terminator 2 & 3
Interview with the Vampire
Edward Scissorhands
Iron Man
Jurassic Park
Batman Returns
Be sure to see the history timeline on his site.
You can find a nice overview of him here.
Truly an amazing life and Many of us owe a lot to what her accomplished.
His son, Matt Winston, said his father was in many ways “a big kid” with cool toys who enjoyed what he did and would say, “Just have fun, and success will come.”
Good advice for us all.

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