Recently launched, the ON1 Photo 10 has a motto: photo editing made simple. The plugin to Photoshop and Lightroom also works independently and aims to be the full editor of choice for many photographers.
The ON1 Pro Series is an easy way to promote a product the best way: through the work of different photographers. Matt Kloskowski, a popular photographer who appears on the complete series of videos explaining how Photo 10 works (and which are distributed with the program in a special package), has gone out to professional photographers who use ON1 to gain some insight into their post processing techniques.
Photographers as Matt Suess, Scott Davenport, Liz LePage, Frank Salas and others will share, on the coming weeks, their editing workflow, through videos that include an interview and examples of the work they do and how they use Photo 10. One of the most important aspects of this series is that it shows how differently photographers use the tools and how they use the software from ON1 integrated in their workflow.
The photographers chosen are longtime users of ON1 software, from the previous versions to this full-fledged editor. Matt Sues, the photographer chosen for the 16th of November, is such an example. Matt Suess is also the first instructor to offer live ON1 workshops. He also offers a ton of resources for ON1 users and recently founded the ON1 Photo Users Group on Facebook.
The video with photographer Hudson Henry open the series, after an introduction by Matt Kloskowski. Hudson has been showing everyone how he uses ON1 for some time. His easy going style and amazing photos are the perfect way to kick off the ON1 Pro Series. On the 11th of November is Liz LePage time to appear on an interview. Liz provides a must see editing video, as she has been training people in both photography and using ON1 for years.
The series continues with other photographers and ends, according to the information available at the moment, on the 23rd November with Frank Salas, the owner and photographer of one of the most celebrated wedding photography studios in California. He has produced several ON1 Portrait workflow videos showing off his style.
Although you may not want to miss the dates the videos are launched, you can always go back later and watch them, as they will serve as good marketing tool to ON1 on their campaign to get more and more users to choose the new software, which places under a single name modern versions of all the different plugins in their collection, and gives the collection a name: ON1 Photo 10.

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