Welcome to episode 19, the final episode of the After Effects ExtendScript Training series. We end this series this week by building some helpful custom functions that will reveal layer types, retrieve all fonts used in your project, retrieve text layer justification settings, and retrieve layer blending mode settings.
With this final episode, I would like to thank my family, friends, and everyone who showed their support and patience. This series started out as just a mind map file on my iPad back in 2012 and bloomed very quickly into something so much more than I was expecting. I am so happy that many of you are finding this series helpful and I appreciate all the feedback you have given. Please continue to spread the word about this valuable, free, learning tool. Now it's back into the think tank for me to develop the next series idea.
With that, let us travel our last hour and eighteen minutes of the roughly sixteen hour journey that we've taken since April. Thank you all again.
If you missed any of the previous episodes in this series, follow the links below.
Previous episodes in the series:
Episode 1 (Intro)
Episode 2 (Javascript Basics p1)
Episode 3 (Javascript Basics p2)
Episode 4 (After Effects Object Model structure overview / Script Preparation and development tips / Single Item Access of various project items, comps and layers)
Episode 5 (Access Renderqueue items, output modules and file paths / Multiple item access of project items, comps and layers / Batch change all renderqueue items file paths)
Episode 6 (Collecting data into an Array() / Changing values / Various tips)
Episode 7 (Create new comps and folders / Create Null, Solid, and Text layers)
Episode 8 (Create multiple comps of various sizes / Use Undo group / Add solids to match each comp / Various tips)
Episode 9 (Globally change blue solids to red / Replace solid name blue with red)
Episode 10 (Build a custom function to collect all CompItem objects / Modify function to dynamically allow for choice of CompItem, FolderItem or FootageItem)
Episode 11 (Build floating GUI)
Episode 12 Part 1 & 2 (Build dockable/floating combo GUI)
Episode 13 (ExtendScript Developer Utility script / Retrieve list of project item footage file paths)
Episode 14 (Processing text strings)
Episode 15 Part 1 & 2 (Reading, writing, and transferring Keyframes)
Episode 16 Part 1 & 2 (Creating text layers from external text files.)
Episode 17 Part 1 & 2 & 3 (Export property information to text files.)
Episode 18 Part 1 & 2 & 3 (Retrieve all effects used into a listbox GUI with option to save to text file.)
In this episode:
– Build function to reveal that a layer is a type of Null, Camera, Light, Adjustment, Video Audio, etc…
– Build function to retrieve all fonts used in project with option to remove duplicate names.
– Build function to easily retrieve a text layer's justification setting.
– Build function to easily retrieve a layer's blending mode setting.

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