Borders teams up with Bookzone TV
Welcome to the NEWBorders video newsletter. We’ve teamed up with Bookzone to bring you some superb
video content, available first to Borders email subscribers. Watch book news, reviews, interviews with the top authors and competitions. Just click and enjoy!
Borders Bookzone News
Sam Norman introduces the newsletter letting you know what’s new this week.
In the first of three online interviews with Joanna Trollope she talks to Sam Norman about how she went to Stamford Bridge for research purposes and ended up falling in love with Chelsea football Club.
Borders Bookzone caught up with legendary television presenter and broadcaster David Attenborough at a book signing at the Bournemouth Borders to talk about his book Life in Cold Blood.
Glamour model and millionaire mum Katie Price talks about how she was pushed to the limit.
Fiona Neil talks about how her bestselling book The Secret Diary of a Slummy Mummy.

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