If you’ve been around this Internet / blog thing for a while you might remember the old article aggregator DV Guru. If I remember correctly this site was part of the old Weblogs Inc. network back when it was a collection of blogs on just about every topic under the sun. I happened upon DV Guru the other day as it’s still online. It’s a great snapshot into what the film / video / post-production world was like back in 2007 and a couple of years before. Their last post was on January 31, 2007 and the first looks to have been mid–2005. It’s a fun way to kill some time just clicking back through. And what kinds of articles can you expect to find?
DV Guru was mostly links to offsite articles and blogs. They certainly posted a lot of links to some of my original Editblog articles and I can think them for a lot of the traffic it sent to my own blog. Some stuff like a review of Final Touch HD have long gone offline but you can still find a link to CVS One-Time Use video camera.
This little trip into the past even reminded me of some of my old-school Avid vs Final Cut Pro Articles:
Looking at the Avid and Final Cut Pro log and capture tools.
Recording Audio Keyframes / Automation Gain.
My how times and features change. Avid really did have a free DV editing software. Media 100 was actually alive and being upgraded at one point in time. There used to be an NLE called SpeedEDIT. There was a time when we though Apple buying high end shit was good for the high end of the market. Premiere Pro really did at one time look a lot worse!
Feel free to browse DV Guru at your leisure. Long before DSLRs and FCPX the type of stuff DV Guru linked to was what we had to work with. The old folks will probably find some fond memories while the youngsters will wonder how we ever were able to create television in such primitive times.

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