On the recent PVC Podcast All Things HDR with Gary Adcock and Philip Grossman we talked HDR of course but we also brushed on some of Philip’s adventure filmmaking. Philip travels the globe from the Ukraine to Kazakhstan to Australia and lots of places in between. I mentioned in the HDR chat about sitting down with Philip again and having a more detailed chat about his treks around the globe, how he prepares and the gear he carries. The gear is always of interest for this kind of filmmaking but I don’t mean just cameras and lenses. I was curious about how he packs he gear and what he packs it in. That was part of our chat.
It wasn’t just a little chat it was a big chat and we’ve broken this into two different PVC Podcast episodes. Here is part 1 and we’ll release part 2 next week.
Here’s the podcast stream below or you can get it on Anchor or your favorite podcast catcher.
You can visit Philip at his website but the best place is on Instagram where Philip posts tons of great photographs from his adventures.
Philip also provided a ton of images from his travels, many of those with and about the gear he uses. See those below with captions and link about what gear he is using and what he is carrying.

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