A series of as-they-come notes on news of assorted Adobe Premiere Pro tutorials, tips, and related tools continues. A profusion of activity allows a collection of audio-related resources on noise removal, normalize, EQ, editing to sound, controlling audio in Clip Mixer and Timeline, voice overs, Adobe Audition and more.
An Adobe Premiere Pro CC (7.0.1) update and a Premiere Pro CS6 (6.0.5) bug-fix update were recently released. For more information on audio in Premiere, see Premiere Pro Help & Tutorials, which has a section on Editing Audio. Questions can be answered on the Adobe forums, like How to change volume of all clips?
If you want to review audio in Premiere, check out Understanding audio editing by Jeff Sengstack, from Learn Premiere CC AdobeTV tutorials, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Audio Enhancements, both below:
Switchers from Avid and Final Cut might still benefit from Working with Audio in Premiere Pro from Premiere Pro CS5 for Avid Editors by Maxim Jago, and from Switch to Premiere Pro Episode 05 – Working with Audio by Karl Soule and Kevin Monahan:
Clay Asbury posted Premiere Pro CC: Working with Audio, text making some general points.
David Clarke discusses new Premiere CC audio effects at 3:20 in Premiere Pro CC – New video & audio effects:
Premiere Pro has DeNoiser and Spectral NoiseReduction filters which are quick solutions to light tasks, and the Edit Clip in Audition command for heavier tasks. GeniusDV posted Removing Noise in Adobe Premiere, which used Audition. The Audition team upped the ante with the new Sound Remover effect in Audition CC, though like the RotoBrush in After Effects, even great power comes with difficulties of control.
Basic Sound Clean-Up for an Audio Novice by Randall K. Harp covers the basics using Adobe Audition CS 5.5:
Here's somewhat more advanced stuff from GeniusDV, and Jeff Sengstack's CS6 tutorial Checking Out Noise Removal And Other Effects, as well as his Using the Sound Remover effect.
Audio metering got upgrades in the latest versions of Premiere Pro (CS5 > CS6). For Premiere Pro CC, David Clarke discussed The audio clip mixer and through edits, and reTooled posted Premiere Pro New Features – The Audio Clip Mixer:
Adobe bundled TC Electronic LoudnessRadar in Adobe Premiere Pro CC & Adobe Audition CC. Here's some intros, from the creators and from Audition CC tutorial: Analyzing level with the Loudness Radar Meter,
Questions can be answered on the Adobe forums, like How to change volume of all clips? See also Adobe Premiere Pro: Applying Audio Effects to Multiple Tracks by Clay Asbury.
reTooled has numerous new video tutorials on Premiere; see for example:
- Premiere Pro New Features – Nudge Audio Volume with the Keyboard
- Premiere Pro New Features – The New Multicam and Audio Based Syncing (embedded below), plus see Adobe's Richard Curtis on a photographer's use and Todd Kopriva's quick walkthrough of editing a multi-camera sequence with clips synchronized by audio
Andrew Devis also explained new audio sync features in Premiere Pro CC: 108 Multi-Cam Synched by Audio:
Chris Meyer “recently distilled years of experience creating visuals to sound into a two-and-a-half-hour video course of exercises and real-world examples, Editing and Animating to Sound in Adobe After Effects. I start with the basics of learning how to 'read' an audio waveform to spot the timing of beats in music, and then cut video, build animations, and even drive effects using the audio in your project. I also include a list of 'magic tempos' you can hand to musicians so they can create a soundtrack at a speed that makes editing and animating easier.”
This new course will also benefit video editors, since the fundamental concepts and the decision-making process of a project are the same. Note also that Eran Stern posted Auto Beat Edit, which shows how to auto-assemble a quick edit using Mamoworld Beat Assistant script in After Effects, copy it to Premiere Pro, and use Automate to Sequence to match cuts of visual elements audio beats.
Here's “Staccato cuts,” a sample video from the Meyer course:
Other resources include How to cut video to music from Premiere Pro CS5 Essential Training with Chad Perkins, and Premiere Pro CS6 – Music Video Editing Workflow from Dillon Pearce Media:
Normalizing audio and making sample-level edits by Jeff Sengstack looks at often different audio sample levels in different clips or sources, and how to normalize audio and make sample-level edits in Premiere Pro CC. See the rest of the course at Infiniteskills.com.
This Micha Schmidt video is about a quick audio submix “trick” in Premiere Pro CC, using reverb to “blend in” a music edit. “It's like a “dramatic” moment / acoustic break.”
Please stay tuned for part 2 …
Note that this roundup is for quick review and comparison. There is almost always vital information from the originating authors at the links provided — and often free presets, plug-ins, or stock footage too.
Thumbnail from Satya Meka.
Twitter: @aerich

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