Micro-Dayparts: The infinitely divisible marketing opportunity | Media Modality.
The benefits of a highly fragmented media landscape
There’s lots of talk about the challenges facing the media industry and marketers of all types – especially when it comes to reaching consumers where and when they want to be reached. In true fashion, we see these challenges as the glass-half-full kind of opportunities. As we see it, the rampant fragmentation across devices and modes of content consumption actually presents a new opportunity to connect with your consumers (or audience) in a more accurate and relevant way.
What exactly is dayparting?
Dayparting for Television
Many of you traditional marketers will remember the traditional media term ‘dayparting.’ For those of you who don’t, thisWikipedia article (or evenour post from last week) might help you get acquainted. Essentially, the practice of dayparting began in the broadcast industry as a way to define the different ‘parts’ of the day for specific programming as it pertained to the type of audience and demographics an advertiser might attract.
For example, the daypart on television known as “daytime” referred to the middle part of the day, typically targeted at the stay-at-home Mom, with programming like soap operas, game shows, or tabloid talk shows.
With the extreme fragmentation of audience and of media available (mobile devices, tablets, personal computers,terrestrialradio, satellite radio, even YouTube), the traditional notion of dayparting no longer exists. Or does it?
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