In this week’s Media Composer 101 tutorial, I’m going to show you four different DVD burning applications, and how simple they are to use, when creating your screening DVD’s!
So, I thought to wrap up our look at creating screening DVD’s from HD and larger than HD content, we would take a look at four different DVD creation applications, of which I’m sure you probably already have one of them on your system. We’re going to look at Sorenson Squeeze (yes, you can create DVD’s with Squeeze), Toast Titanium, Adobe’s Encore CS6 and, for kicks, I thought I’d throw in DVD Studio Pro, for all my viewers who have made the switch from FCP7 to MC8. You’ll see very quickly, that most of the programs are pretty similar to each other, when it comes to creating your screening DVD, but the biggest decision you will have to make is do you do your file processing in a program like Squeeze or Media Encoder, or do you leave it to the DVD creation application? For me, it’s always done in either Squeeze or Media Encoder, as i want complete control over all the different parameters, so my final DVD streams look exactly the way that I want them to. When this lesson is done, you’ll have the complete process to take a 4K Media Composer project, and make an SD screening DVD, from start to finish!
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