If you are a cinematographer or anyone interested in the camera department, then you will want to join the Nashville Filmmakers Guild for the “Team Deakins Live in Nashville” event. This coming weekend, December 7th and 8th, the Nashville Filmmakers Guild will host legendary cinematographer Sir Roger Deakins for a one-of-a-kind event celebrating Sir Roger’s work as well as the art and craft of cinematography. This event came together fast, and while Early Access was available exclusively to NFG members, we’re now opening the event to the general public. If you’re in Nashville or the surrounding area, then join the guild for one or all of the events throughout the weekend. Unfamiliar with Sir Roger’s work? A read over his Wikipedia page will tell you all you need to know.
Here’s the weekend’s schedule:
Date: Saturday, Dec 7
Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Belmont University – R. Milton and Denice Johnson Center, 1909 15th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
About: The film screening will be directly followed by a Q&A session with Roger Deakins moderated by Nathan Thompson.
Date: Saturday, Dec 7
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: Arc Studios – 11 Willow St #2, Nashville, TN 37210
About: Meet Roger and James Deakins in a casual atmosphere after the post-film Q&A. Beverages and light hors d’oeuvres are provided with admission sold separately from the screening.
Date: Sunday, Dec 8
Time: 1:00pm Doors open
Location: Vanderbilt Sarratt Student Center – 2301 Vanderbilt Pl, Nashville, TN 37240
Time: 2:00 – 4:00pm Discussion in the Vanderbilt Sarratt Cinema
About: A moderated discussion with Team Deakins led by Travis Wears
Date: Sunday, Dec 8
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 PM
Location: Vanderbilt Sarratt Student Center – 2301 Vanderbilt Pl, Nashville, TN 37240
About: Following the discussion, a copy of BYWAYS. Photographs by Roger a Deakins, is available for pre-sale and guarantees your spot in line for signature and a photo. Books are limited to the first 150 people at 1 copy per person. Due to limited time, no additional materials may be signed during this event.
Cost varies depending on the event of the weekend, so you can choose to attend one part of the weekend or buy tickets for all different events. Prices range from $25 for the screening, or a meeting/greet, or a Team Deakins conversation up to $65 for a copy of Roger’s book “Byways” that includes the book signing and a moderated discussion. This is definitely a unique opportunity to learn from one of the greats of cinema.
Click on over to the CINEMATIC INSIGHTS WITH TEAM DEAKINS Event Registration Page for more details or to secure your tickets.

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