News after Newspapers: iPad strategies for publishers.
In considering their strategies foriPad, publishers should assume:
- Mobile will be everywhere. Upward of 70 percent of adults will be connected to the Web on mobile platforms virtually all of their waking hours.
- All forms of media consumption will increasingly shift to mobile devices, especially to iPad and other tablets.
- Marketing budgets will increasingly shift to mobile platforms and out of printed newspapers, magazines and direct mail. (It is hard to imagine many marketers looking for ways to increase their print spending these days, but clearly they’re looking for ways to do more online and especially in mobile.)
- Consumers will respond strongly to mobile pitchesin the form of ads, video, social recommendations, online catalogues, deals-of-the-day and channels yet to be invented.Spurred also by new options for digital payments, both the ability and the inclination to make mobile purchases goods and services will explode.
- The genie will not go back in the bottle. The Web has atomized content; consumers have learned to surf and explore; new tools will connect them with more content from more sources than ever before.Therefore, selling content in packaged, dated “issues” that emulate the old print product won’t work. Consumers want a hyperpersonalized stream assembled from atomized content.
- We’re only at the beginning of understanding what’s possible on iPad et al. Early concepts like the Sports Illustrated demo are heavily rooted in print, lacking hyperlinks or social functionality.At some point, we should expect a new kind browser created especially for tablets, significantly different from standard browsers, that enables easy touch navigation to let people move around not only from page to page as they have been for 15 years, but more easily from topic to topic, person to person, place to place, idea to idea.
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