HTML5 Video: Not Quite There Yet | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player.
Online video is an exciting field to work in. As creator of the JW Player,I’m privileged to be at the forefront of the industry. Every week, our team receives thousands of emails from web developers regarding various bug reports, product feature requests and general thoughts about the online video space. In these emails, we’ve seen a growing interest in HTML5, since its video implementation allows web developers to independently control video content.
Apple’s launch of the iPad and its successivearguments with Adobe over Flash accelerated HTML5 video development. One could argue that today’s tech industry is in a state of video tag euphoria. Although many high level discussions regarding online video are circulating through the blogosphere, the practical side of HTML5 video development has been overlooked. Therefore, when working hands-on with HTML5 for video development, it becomes clear the standard faces a major threat.
The video tag is still in its infancy and misses certain core functionalities. As developers demand these features, browser vendors are tempted to implement incompatible solutions instead of agreeing upon standards. These hasty developments, already underway, are setting HTML video up for the same chaos as HTML styling in the pre-CSS era.
Here are a couple of the most pressing issues:
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