HaiVision Network Video today announced its VFiControl technology, an iPhone®/iPad™ application that dramatically simplifies the recording of live events in real time. VFiControl enables users to control the Furnace’s recording process, apply real-time metadata (HotMarks™) on the fly, and review video recording directly on the mobile device. VFiControl is ideal for controlling the recording, review, and publishing processes of medical procedures, medical skills and other training simulations, lectures, military exercises, and sporting events. With VFiControl, users can instantly review the recording directly on their mobile device prior to publishing it directly to the Furnace IP video system.
“With the ability to view and control live video using mobile technology, HaiVision customers realize dramatic improvements in the speed, ease, and convenience with which they can view, enrich, and publish media,” said Joe Gaucher, HaiVision CTO. “The release of VFiControl makes HaiVision’s powerful Furnace IP video delivery system even more valuable and useful to our clients working in virtually any environment, anywhere. This exciting new app provides intelligent control over intelligent video. The development of VFiControl is indicative of HaiVision’s direction and continued pursuit of solutions that empower customers to make the most of media across their enterprises.”
HaiVision enables clients to capture media easily, and empowering the media library with real-time metadata helps to deliver intelligent video to the enterprise. From within an event room, theater, or stadium, users can login to the Furnace, select the video source, and initiate a network video recording. During the recording, the user can very simply tag moments with predefined or free form metadata. After the recording, the user can immediately review the video directly on their mobile device and commit the video asset to the Furnace video-on-demand system. Subsequently, from any computer, authorized users anywhere can review the video and instantly go to the points within the video that are of interest.
HaiVision’s Furnace IP video system provides a secure and performance-oriented end-to-end media delivery environment for live video distribution, video recording, and VoD. The Furnace InStream™ video player, the only such player to work across all popular platforms without requiring installation, lets authorized users on any computer review the video immediately. When Furnace users search for video using the system’s InStream player, HotMarks applied via VFiControl are displayed in a list along with video. HotMarks also are displayed on the Furnace VoD scrub bar to provide fast access to specific content.
Furnace’s VFiControl module was demonstrated at the 2010 NAB Show and is expected to be available later in 2010.
Complete information on HaiVision products, including recent case studies and application notes, is available within the download center at www.haivision.com.

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