ECM in the Pantheon of Content Management Word of Pie.
“May you live in interesting times” isreported to be a Chinese curse. Well, in the world of Content Management, we are in interesting times. In the last week, I have read about howECM is growing in stature and read a call for thekilling of ECM. Scary thing, I think that if Peter read Carl’s post, he would state that it supports his point that ECM needs to die.
Pardon me for disagreeing.
Here is the basic problem, because we can’t agree on what to call anything, we can’t agree where anything is going.
- Is ECM Dead? That depends if you think ECM means one repository. If so, then yes. It doesn’t mean one repository though, or at least, it shouldn’t. If we can’t agree on what it is, how can anyone claim it needs to die or is already dead.
- Is WordPress a CMS? That depends on how you define the “Management” in CMS. Maybe it is aWebsite Management System? Maybe the WCMS is going to go away as what actually goes into a website broadens.
If we don’t agree on the terms as practioners, how can we expect the business users, and the users in the rest of the world, to understand what we are talking about?
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