picturesafe develops Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems for all industries in which large volumes of digital data play a central role.
Very large volumes of data are playing a central role in business processes in more and more industries. picturesafe develops Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems specifically for companies in industries in which increasing data and knowledge orientation is becoming a critical success factor. “We are expecting that, especially in the decade that has just started, primarily industrial companies as well as public administration will increasingly and systematically move towards integrating their abundance of digital assets into their workflows.” says Heike Gramkow, Manager of Sales and Marketing at picturesafe. “If documentation and archiving are in the foreground, then digital data can only be made economically manageable or even commercially usable if it is developed, processed and made available quickly and easily.” picturesafe developed professional industry solutions in past years based on dio:content, which was formerly myContent and is still the heart of the product family.
International brand name companies manage their marketing databases over large Internet portals with dio:content. Employees, trade partners, agencies and journalists in the entire world are individually equipped with the product illustrations, text, video and sound data that is relevant to them via systematic administration of access rights.
dio:content is integrated into editorial workflows in large publishing companies. That way, to begin with, research can be conducted more efficiently in one’s own and external media databases, and the billing of publication rights is simplified. These systems are playing an increasing role in integrated newsrooms. Here, content can be processed together and afterward distributed over a variety of channels: print, Web, radio and TV.
dio:content imports, structures, and categorizes data and makes its content available for research. In addition, dio:content allows a transfer to archiving and further editorial processing by Quark Xpress or vjoon K4, for example. Open interfaces and a structure based on the modular design principle provide a future-oriented solution and maximum investment protection. dio:search complements the system through incorporating practically any conceivable external source of knowledge. dio:semantic expands the system with a semantic linking of search results and structured compilation of it for further more specific processing.
About picturesafe
picturesafe media/data/bank GmbH has developed software solutions since 1992 for the management of media data and provides full service from the incorporation up to delivery of digital data in the form of text, picture, video and audio data. In addition, products established in the market as well as their online and DTP interfaces are offered as well as the development of company-specific individual solutions. The products and services of picturesafe shape information and media production processes and effectively increase their productivity. picturesafe has its head office in Hanover and a subsidiary in Hamburg, Germany. More
Commercial use of digital content worldwide
picturesafe GmbH is one of the leading providers of full service solutions in all aspects of digital asset and brand management with locations in Hamburg, Hanover and Boston, USA.
Since 1993, picturesafe has designed and realized Internet-based solutions for global large enterprises and publishers.
picturesafe media/data/bank
Press contact: Mr Oliver Bauer
Simon-von-Utrecht-Str. 31-37
20359 Hamburg
E-Mail: [email protected]

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