Digital Asset Management [Insert beaver joke here] | lingamish.
I know how this little guy feels. The more I chewed on the topic of digital asset management, or DARN as we conservative folks call it, the more it left a bad taste in my mouth. And finally the topic tipped over and crushed me. Nice extended metaphor, eh?!? I am a specialist. That’s right, a media access specialist. So I specialize in making media accessible. Whatever that means. I envision glitzy websites, and TV ads and big extravaganzas involving people waving books around and singing happy songs. But there is a dark side to being in the Media Access Department (MAD). Dark isn’t the right word. Just plain dull. Directory structures. Metadata (If I hear the phrase “Data about data” one more time…). Cross-compatibility. Goat horns. Well, maybe not goat horns.
My eyes are bloodshot. My carpal tunnel is acting up. So I’ll make this as brief as possible. Here are some options I’ve looked at for making our Digital Assets accessible here in Mozambique.
Continues @
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