Developers: the Next Decade of ECM is Yours to Influence, Cheryl’s Nuxeo Blog.
Read a great article byJason Hiner at TechRepublic this week. He makes the argument that:
the technology world remains in the midst of a relentless transformation and the changes sweeping the industry over the next decade will make developers, not IT pros, the new superstars
This was a timely read for me. As I approach my one year anniversary with Nuxeo, I’ve rediscovered the value of developers. Those lines of code we as business users often forget about have become the grammar and language of our digital heritage. Software makes so many of our daily routines possible – from the mundane to the spectacular and seemingly magical.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the ‘geeks’ lately. On the road and in my regular work routine I cross paths with many professionals in the technology industry – coders, consultants, marketers. Everyone has an essential role to play. Consultants make systems work and help people use them better, marketers tell the story and create demand, but ultimately there is nothing without the product. The developers are the makers.
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