Although it is not yet clear whether Adobe has fixed any the issues we previously exposed (link ahead), the company just released a new feature for its intriguing, multiplatform cam/editor app called Premiere Rush. That new feature is called Speed, as in fast or slow motion, not amphetamines. The Speed feature allows velocity ramping and audio pitch compensation. I haven’t yet been able to test this feature (or to test whether Rush now records its raw audio in proper native 48 kHz). Ahead are videos and details about the Speed feature and a link to my prior articles.
Link to my prior Rush articles
I am extremely intrigued with Rush, especially since it is multi-platform (Android, iOS, Mac, Windows). However, the list of compatible Android models is still very short, and currently doesn’t include my original Google Pixel XL.
Here is a general link to all of my Rush articles, and here is one to Adobe Premiere Rush: 5 immediate corrections required, where I credit Cielo de la Paz of the The Storyographist for her collaberation.
Information provided by Adobe
Slow Down and Speed Up Clips in Premiere Rush!
Slow down or speed up footage, add adjustable ramps, and maintain audio pitch — speed in Rush is intuitive for the first-time video creator, yet powerful enough to satisfy video pros who are editing on the go.
Basic speed adjustments
Speed adjustments in Rush are quick and simple. We use a percentage value to display speed, where 100% is real time. Values below 100% result in slow motion, and values above 100% create fast motion.
To adjust the speed, simply open the speed panel, select “Range Speed,” and drag the slider.
Skimboarding with a GoPro HERO 7 in San Francisco, California.
You can also tap on the speed percentage next to the slider and enter a specific value.
The classic “dronie”, capture in Florida (US).
Speed ranges
Speed ranges allow you to adjust the speed within a specific section of your clip.
To create a range, drag the blue handles on the clip in the timeline or in the speed panel under “Range.” The speed outside of your range is 100%, while speed inside the range is adjustable.
Pro tip: As you drag the range handles, Rush will display the particular frame where the speed change takes full effect. This is handy as you can select the exact moment that you want your speed change to occur!
To progressively speed up or slow down in or out of your range, enable ramping. This helps smooth out speed changes which might otherwise seem jarring.
According to Adobe, Rush is the first mobile editing app with adjustable speed ramps.
Speed ramps are .5 second by default, however ramp length can be adjusted to any value!
Duration adjustments
For precise control, you can manually set a clip’s duration. After setting the duration, Rush will do the math and adjust your clip speed to the appropriate value. This is especially useful for timelapses.
A dramatic sunset timelapse, shot over Lake Erie (Cleveland, Ohio USA).
Maintain pitch
Adjusting the speed of a video clip often has drastic effects on audio, but not in Rush.
Typically, speeding up footage will raise your audio’s pitch (think mouse voice), while slowing down footage will lower it (think of a deep robot voice). “Maintain pitch” in the speed panel takes care of this by preserving the original pitch of your audio at any speed! It’s enabled by default, but can be turned off if you prefer.
The new speed panel offers quite a bit of creative control, and as with everything in Rush, your speed adjustments will transfer seamlessly when opening your Rush project in Premiere Pro.
The Adobe Premiere Rush team is very excited to see what you create, and request that you tag #madewithrush and #premiererush.
Skimboard video clip shot by Andreas Tjotjos.
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No manufacturer is specifically paying Allan Tépper or TecnoTur LLC to write this article or the mentioned books. Some of the other manufacturers listed above have contracted Tépper and/or TecnoTur LLC to carry out consulting and/or translations/localizations/transcreations. Many of the manufacturers listed above have sent Allan Tépper review units. So far, none of the manufacturers listed above is/are sponsors of the TecnoTur , BeyondPodcasting CapicúaFM or TuRadioGlobal programs, although they are welcome to do so, and some are, may be (or may have been) sponsors of ProVideo Coalition magazine. Some links to third parties listed in this article and/or on this web page may indirectly benefit TecnoTur LLC via affiliate programs. Allan Tépper’s opinions are his own. Allan Tépper is not liable for misuse or misunderstanding of information he shares.
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The articles contained in the TecnoTur channel in ProVideo Coalitionmagazine are copyright Allan Tépper/TecnoTur LLC, except where otherwise attributed. Unauthorized use is prohibited without prior approval, except for short quotes which link back to this page, which are encouraged!

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