Woodland Creatures and The Cloud Big Men On Content.
I had a dream. And in this dream I was wandering through the forest of enterprise software. I come upon the information super highway cutting through the thick underbrush of marketing and thorny requirements. The lanes are littered with the bodies of vendors that didn’t make it across when change came barreling down on them.
In the distance I hear the air horn of a huge truck. It may look white and fluffy but make no mistake – The Cloud is cutting its way through the forest of enterprise software like bulls through crowd of Spanish tourists.
Stepping onto the road are ever more woodland creatures. Leaping, crawling or just wandering into the path of The Cloud.
First I notice the Deer In the Headlights – He sees the cloud but the bright lights paralyze the beast. It stands there – beautiful, majestic, proud. In the forest it runs and deftly navigates the trees and bounds over requirements thorns but here in the face of certain destruction it does nothing.Frozen. Staring in the light right up until the Cloud plows into it and orphans Bambi in an instant.
Continues @http://bigmenoncontent.com

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