Like everyone else, I’ve started a blog, gotten into a blog, regularly contributed to a blog, added to the blog, expanded the blog, touted the blog and ultimately…forgotten the blog.
Actually, I never forgot about it and I’ve put in entries now and again, but working for Adobe, you’ve got to focus on what’s most important and sadly, though I love it, the blog languished and the petals fell off of the blossom.Well, I’m not out of the woods yet and I can’t remember ever being more busy than I am right now. HOWEVER… I am resolved to get back into the blog.
Why? Simply put – you. Many of you have commented and taken the time to tell me that you’ve gotten something out of it, or asked a question or whatever. Helping people is one of the most rewarding things that I can do for Adobe and while I’m not perfect at it (or even consistent), I’m glad to be getting back into this.
In addition to getting back into the groove, connecting Contribute to the blog, learning how to use Omniture, etc., there’s the idea of content. What do you want?
Really – what do you want from this blog? What do you want from Adobe Beginner Classes on Adobe TV?
One of the things I’m going to be doing is some informal and probably biased reviews of some gear. I’m planning on doing some reviews of the equipment I get to play with and pass on some of my off beat thoughts and comments.
Anyway, you get the idea. So I hope that you’ll comment here, post something on Twitter (@TheGenesisProj) or do some sky writing in a piper cub in whichever city I’m visiting. Okay, maybe the last one is tough, but I’d be impressed!
Let me know and as always, thanks for your support.

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