Welcome to Tooltip Tuesday for Adobe Premiere Pro on ProVideoCoalition.
Every week, we will share a new tooltip to save time when working in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Adobe Premiere Pro has a function to close gaps in the timeline. It is located under Sequence > Close Gap.
Easy enough.
If you want to close the gaps on only a section of the timeline, not the whole thing, just mark an IN to OUT for that section.
That will restrict the closing of gaps between the IN to OUT marks. It’s also worth noting that Close Gap doesn’t work if you have audio, adjustment layers, or clips on other tracks that will obstruct the closing of the gaps on your selected track.
There is also a keyboard shortcut for Close Gaps that can be mapped.
But honestly, if you need to close gaps so often that you need a keyboard shortcut, you probably need to adjust your editing techniques.
This series is courtesy of Adobe.

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