In the Terminator series, the evil computer network Skynet leads the rise of machines in an effort to destroy humanity. Hopefully things won’t go that far in a new report called The Rise of Information Governance, which tackles the often complex, confusing and confounding issues ofinformation management and all that it encompasses.
In the Terminator series, the evil computer network Skynet leads the rise of machines in an effort to destroy humanity. Hopefully things won’t go that far in a new report calledThe Rise of Information Governance, which tackles the often complex, confusing and confounding issues ofinformation management and all that it encompasses.
The report, written by the451 Group, attempts todefine information governance, as well as examine themarket dynamics and drivers, adoption trends and profiles of 15 vendors working towards information governance zen.
Among its findings, the study suggests that while IG is an emerging sector with new ways of organizingunstructured and semi-structured data, companies are wise to jump on the bandwagon as soon as possible or lest they are left to crumble in litigation purgatory.
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