MatrixStore is software that turns low-cost disk (Promise VTrack, Xserve RAID etc.) into a safe place to store your digital assets. It is a secure store to archive all your digital creations for as long as you want to keep them. It puts all your archived assets onto your network, available to search and use instantly.
MatrixStore has been designed for Professional Video and Film production and is ideal for Final Cut Pro and Final Cut Server workflows. It’s built on a cluster of Apple’s server and storage arrays. And it is a great complement for Xsan, offering long-term protection for the final cuts you need to keep.
A MatrixStore license cost $1000 for every Terabyte of assets you need to store. You can configure the Apple hardware required with the Configutator in the right hand menu. You can download a 15TB MatrixStore license with our compliments to help get you started.
MatrixStore is different from other disk-based systems. It can manage a failure of a complete storage array while keeping your assets available for you to search and use. And if hardware fails MatrixStore re-protects all assets affected, putting a copy of them onto another independent piece of hardware in the system. Automatically.
You can also configure MatrixStore to replicate all your assets to another off-site MatrixStore to further enhance protection.

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