Useful Tools for Editors: It’s now 2025 edition
It’s a new year, and it’s time for new Useful Tools for Editors. As always, I’ve tried to include...
Useful Tools for Editors – Total Solar Eclipse Edition
Here in the United States we’re about to see another total solar eclipse for those lucky enough to live...
Game Changer for Adobe Premiere Pro may or may not be a game changer for your workflow
Game Changer for Adobe Premiere Pro is an $8 extension that maybe, just maybe, will give editors fond memories...
Useful Tools for Editors: An Adobe Premiere Pro Only Edition
After wrapping up my NAB 2023 sessions I was looking over some of the third-party tools I talked about...
Useful Tools for Editors – Bye Bye Titans Edition
It’s that time again for another Useful Tools for Editors. This long, long-running series highlights some useful products, software...
Useful Tools for Editors: NAB Happened This Year Edition
NAB happened this year. There were many different things to see. I wrote a bit about it in addition...
Useful Tools for Editors: So Long 2021 Edition
It’s been nearly a year since I published a Useful Tools for Editors column so the coming end of...
Useful Tools for Editors: Still Masked Edition
It’s hot, it’s muggy and we’re still having to be socially distant or staying at home or quarantined depending...
Useful Tools for Editors: Social Distancing Edition
Here we are all at waiting out this ongoing pandemic so what better way to pass the time for...
Useful Tools for Editors – Back to School Edition
It’s that time of year where the kids are once again getting up earlier than they want, breakfasts are...