One of the big surprised of NAB 2014 came not from the big booths of Adobe, Blackmagic or AJA but rather the tiny plug-in pavilion; that little gathering of small developers who combine their small booths to create one very fun area of the South Hall. That announcement was that Rampant Design Tools and That Studio had formed a strategic alliance and split the great Rampant effects into two different categories. Henceforth we would have both Studio Essentials and Indie Essentials.
That Studio is a creative boutique from the brain of Kanen Flowers who I have known for quite a few years as I’ve been a frequent guest on his podcast That Post Show. Before NAB he told me about this idea to partner with Sean Mullen at Rampant Design Tools and package a lot of their 2K and 1080 content in an affordable, download-only package known as Indie Essentials. Sean had already begun the Herculean task of creating new effects for a post 1080 work with lots of 4K and 5K media. That media would be known as Studio Essentials.
Indie Essentials would take a different approach and offer high quality, H.264 downloads of hundreds of effects and design elements for the extremely affordable price of $399 (though my guess would be it won’t be hard to find sales and offer codes to get the set for a bit less). But instead of me telling you more about this new development let’s let Sean and Kanen do this themselves.

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