In January, a bunch of us from Adobe hosted a one-hour session about optimizing for performance of both Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. In case you missed it, here’s the recording.
We also said that we’d post a set of links for more information about all of the things that we covered. It was a very fast-paced session-or maybe it just felt that way to me, since I was the one doing most of the talking-and we covered a lot of ground. If you want to check out the links, visit my Adobe blog.
If you have any questions, please bring them to the After Effects forum or the Premiere Pro forum. It’s much harder to have a conversation in the comments of a blog post than on the forum.
Also, the most comprehensive place to find information on improving performance in After Effects is the “Improving performance” page in After Effects Help. Much of what is listed above can also be found there, plus much more.

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