Netflix, Amazon, and everyone else who wants to record a 4K live multi-camera event or show while retaining Panasonic’s Super35mm look and color from the VariCam LT should take a look at Panasonic’s Cine Live. Panasonic, well-known for exciting and lasting broadcasting equipment, have taken their knowledge and applied it to a cinematic camera system, the VariCam LT. The LT is easily one of my favorite cameras to shot on today. It is well thought out and helps professionals producing sensational images and that dual ISO of 800/5000 is killer. Now, Panasonic has made multi-cam easier for the VariCam LT. Mitch Gross of Panasonic takes us through the ins and outs of the system.
In the broadcast world, shading is a process that ensures all cameras will look consistent with each other and is executed with paint settings (black, white, chromas, iris, gain, etc.). In the cinema production world, grading is correcting colors, changing color space, or developing a specific look. The process is typically done with LUTs and CDLs. The new VariCam LT V6.0 update will allow the use of either the broadcast shading or the cinema grading workflows.
Multi-camera live productions will benefit from extended control from the RCP, which includes full paint features – from standard “shading” processes to LUT and CDL management – as well as scene file selection, remote REC control and call function. Additionally, a PC can be connected to allow the use of live grading software (e.g., Pomfort, Colorfront, FireFly, Codex, etc.) to remotely upload LUTs and manage the camera’s look from a user-friendly color grading interface.
The new shading mode allows users the option to record V-log in-camera, as well as performing live in-camera color correction. Because the VariCam LT has two separate SDI outputs for HD broadcast, it’s possible to output different video signals: one clean view for broadcasting or recording; and one monitoring view for status check, markers, and menus. Fiber transmission is possible via transport systems from DTS, ERECA, Multidyne, Telecast, and more.
VariCam LT Near Live
For “near live” production, users can record internally on each VariCam LT in 4K or HD 4:4:4 in AVC-Ultra or ProRes and match back to the live switch, allowing for adjustments in the edit as well as the option for precise final image grading in post-production. Near Live productions include live shows (theater, concerts, stand-up comedy), fashion shows, and corporate events that are not broadcast live.
Cine Live Advantages
Using a VariCam LT cinema camera offers several benefits over smaller sensor broadcast cameras that are typically used for live events.
- Create cinematic depth of field with VariCam’s award-winning Super 35mm sensor
- Take advantage of the VariCam’s HDR-ready 14+ stops of dynamic range
- VariCam image quality and color science
- Capture low light shots using VariCam’s Dual Native 800/5,000 ISO feature
- The 5,000 ISO function can compensate stop loss when using optical adaptors for 2/3” lenses or slower long zooms

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