KM is about linking people … and lots of formatting – Knowledge Jolt with Jack.
Knowledge management cannot be simply about smart storage of content and knowledge bases. It has to be about helping the organization get things done by helping people work together.
Marc Solomon has a fun blog post about knowledge work,The Format is the Message in which he says the apocryphal, but not surprsing: “Most knowledge work is reformatting.” And he gives a number of examples. I’m sure you can think of many more yourself where hours are lost in tweaking the look – rather than the content – of your latest presentation.
I had a discussion today on a similar topic at theCambridge OpenCoffee, this time focused on building presentations and always having that feeling that there are similar slides sitting on someone else’s computer, if you only knew which presentation had the most recent version or how they structure their network share. Or maybe if you are lucky, they posted them all to the groupware system. Unfortunately, even if you find the slides, you have to rebuild them to fit your format or to include new information, or tweak them a bit to fit the flow of your presentation. This is what Marc is talking about.
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