The GetAmnesty program provides a way for users who have illegally downloaded copyrighted files to “settle” with the copyright owner by paying a nominal fee each downloaded file. For copyright holders, GetAmnesty at last turns piracy into profits.
Copyright holders such as movie studios, record labels, musicians, software companies that have digital assets like movies, songs, or software.
“Fans” of music, movies and software who think there’s nothing wrong with illegally downloading movies, songs, games, eBooks or images.
Nexicon monitors a variety of Internet protocols such as Ares, Limewire, Kazaa, BitTorrent, auctions and newsgroups, and tracks the identity of the computer that is illegally downloading different copyrighted files. Nexicon confirms that the files downloaded violate a copyright through its technology platforms’ artificial intelligence and Automated Human Visual Verification (AHVV) technology. Once the file is confirmed to be an illegally downloaded file, Nexicon sends a DMCA notice via email to the infringer’s ISP, who is legally required to forward the email to the infringer. After opening the email, the infringer clicks a link to visit, where they can settle their infringement to avoid legal action and receive a legal release from the copyright owner.
GetAmnesty provides content owners with a new revenue stream by collecting settlement fees on their behalf from those who illegally download their copyrighted content. Further, violators are tagged with a complete history of their downloading activities, which is easily translated to create customer profiles for online marketing purposes.
The GetAmnesty program is driven by Nexicon’s MARC Anti-Piracy platform which monitors the Internet for illegal downloads, analyzes infringement data, reports on copyright infringements, and collects settlement fees from known copyright violators. MARC’s artificial intelligence, extensive algorithms, and Automated Human Visual Verification (AHVV) help ensure for an extremely high rate of accuracy.
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