This program was written because of the new Google Picasa 3.5 face recognition feature. Due to the fact that Picasa 3.5 doesn’t store the face recognition data insideJPEG pictures, this program fetches that data and stores it as XMP-MP meta tags inside theJPEG pictures.
The Picasa 3.5 face recognition feature stores the face data inside the Picasa database. As a consequence this data is lost when you give away your pics and this data cannot be shared with other users or with other Picasa instances running on different computers. Lukily Picasa stores the face recognition data (persons & faces) in quite simple text files so reading that data is not a big clue.
There is already a method available how to store face recognition data insideJPEG pictures. This method usesXMP tag system created by Adobe with the addition of Microsoft XMP namespaceMicrosoft Photo Region Schema and is used byWindows Live Photo Gallery.
Right at the start this program reads the Picasa text file holding the persons (contacs). Each person has assigned an unique person ID. For every file of for all files in a directory which is added to the list of files or directories the picasa.ini file is searched for face definition. If face definitions are found for a file, they are added as XMP tags. Optionally, the person names are also added as IPTC Keyword tags.
The actual tagging of theJPEG files is done usingExifTool – a great and widely accepted/trusted tagging program which is known for its good makernotes handling (to leave them intact).
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