Don’t Read This, If You’re a Social Media Guru.
There’s not much going on in the internet marketing industry this morning. I suspect everyone ate too much candy.
While they recover from their belly aches, I’m going to do a little “belly aching” myself.
I’ve noticed–as have others–that there’s a growing number of people referring to themselves as social media “gurus,” “experts,” and “geniuses” (OK, maybe I made up that last one). What’s interesting is that many–note, I said “many” not “all”–of these self-labeled gurus have achieved nothing more than fame for being famous. In other words,peel back that first layer and you discover that they’ve not actually accomplished much in their social media guru career.
In fact, many of them remind me of Lovelace from Happy Feet. He was in the right place, at the right time, and managed to convince his peers that he was a wise and gifted seer. The same goes for many social media penguins.
Sure, they have lots of Twitter follower, but that’s easy to do–when you follow everyone back. Yes, they share lots of links, they speak at lots of conferences, and are the first person to whip out their iPhone at a Tweetup. But, ask them about their business successes and all they can offer up is that they helped such-and-such to “engage” their followers, or added a 1,000 friends to Company X’s Facebook fan page.
Continues @
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