Real Story Group > Blog: Don’t ogle search if you really want content management.
Added ByTony Byrne at 8-Jul-2010 | Twitter:@TonyByrne
I’ll agree with mega-vendor Autonomy on one key point: Search technology is really important. But is it so important that search functionality should dominate your choice in a content management system? I don’t think so. Search is one of many considerations.
The topic of search crops up one way or another in nearly all the advisory calls we receive from our research customers — including inquiries about other technologies, likeECM,Portals,Web CMS,DAM, and so forth. Search is essential; search is omnipresent; but woe to project leader who believes search engines are omniscient. Of course, this doesn’t stop enterprise search vendors from claiming omnipotence.
Which brings me back to Autonomy. From an initial focus on enterprise search tools, Autonomy has become a roll-up vendor afteracquiring a variety of other information management suppliers such as Interwoven. As a financial strategy this can be successful, and investors seem to cotton to Autonomy.
As atechnology strategy, vendor roll-ups are problematic. Autonomy’s technology strategy is torip legacy search subsystems from acquired products, replace them with some pieces from its own IDOL toolset, and then promote its particular approach to search as a distinct advantage for you.
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