London, 30th September 2011 – Decode MD Samuel Martin has reported that their recent 2D/3D Open Day/Training Day was a great success. “We had a fully booked event. There was an interesting mix ranging from rig technicians, stereographers and producers – people from production companies across the board to students wanting to learn more about 3D production. They had a chance to look at our new facilities and get familiar with our 3D mirror rigs as well as discussing with our own experienced 3d rig tech and stereographer the advantages of the rigs. I personally feel that it was a great advantage to be able to meet current and future clients in person and discuss in an informal and relaxed way their questions and future requirements. I am looking forward to our next open day that will be organized within the next couple of months.”
The event was arranged to coincide with Wimbledon Studios Open day, which in itself attracted a very good crowd, and many of these guests spent some time getting to know the Decode kit and staff too.
Decode had their new D-Rex 3D mirror rig set up and working live on 3D monitors for all to see and discuss with the in-house experts. Two of their new Arri Alexas were on display as well as their Mk-V Steadicam.
There was a street party, which Wimbledon Studios organised, with free drinks and a BBQ with great food for all. It was a very relaxed and friendly environment . The Wimbledon Studio Open Day itself was very well attended and most definitely a success. This was a great chance for potential clients to see what Decode, 3Dcode and Wimbledon Studios have to offer.
It’s also worth remembering that you don’t have to wait for the next open day to get specialised 3D advice from Decode – it’s available at any time by arrangement. Phone for details or apply via the website
Founded by Film / TV Director Samuel Martin in 2004, Decode is a London-based rental and sales specialist in high end 3D, HD and 4K equipment for the film and television industry. The newlyformed company for sales is 3Dcode.
Investing heavily in 3D over the last two years, they have now developed their own brand 3D rigsand 3D tools for theatrical and TV production. The extensive range ofequipment, maintained and tested to the highest standards, allow them to efficiently fulfil requests for most HD and 4K cameras and formats, HD and 35mm lenses, dollies and other accessories.
They also offer 2D and 3D support, including logistics and implementation, to long term productions and feature films requiring assistance and advice during pre-production and production.
Recent 3D Equipment Rental: Aston Martin 3D, Pantene Shampoo 3D, Street DanceChoreographer 3D, P&G 3D, Discovery Channel 3D

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