Content Marketing Tools Are Not Enough [Video].
I have lots of tools at home. Hammers, screwdrivers, drills (oh my!). Heck, I even have a toolbox.
That doesn’t mean I know how to use them to, say, to build a house (or hang a picture).
It’s Not the Tools
I ran into a marketing executive from a Fortune 1000 company a few weeks ago. We started into a conversation about content marketing. When I asked him what hiscontent marketing strategy was, he went into how they leverage social media and enewsletters and even a company magazine. The big focus was the tools they used.
After a 20 minute conversation, it was clear that they were using most of these tools because they felt they should (or could), and it wasn’t apart of any particular strategy. For example, Twitter was primarily being used to send out press releases and retweet favorable press. Enewsletters…that’s for special offers. The company magazine works to promote their products and distribution partners (sounded like a catalog to me).
Quite a content marketing strategy, huh?
This kind of example is exactly the reason we created our first video explaining why people should attendContent Marketing World 2011 (pricing goes up next week). The idea is this: all marketers have the tools today to connect with customers to attract and retain customers. This is without question. The challenge isknowing the kind of story to create that will generate action, the best tools to use to tell your story, and how to integrate that story throughout all of your marketing.
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