We have come full circle.
From the camp fire, to the engaging Commedia Dell'Arte, to Puck addressing the audience at the globe.
We are back to creating a mythology together.
But what would that mythology look like. Is it going to be an endless stream of “real house wives of the future” meets “Guy Fieri eating some hidious food at some space diner “
It seems that in one way we have all the mediums in our hands, all the capabilities to create a brave new world but we choose mediocracy at every point.
How do we change that? How do we start telling different stories and tell these together?
In our April 29 event, Transmedia SF will attempt to answer some of these questions.
In order to start exploring the topic, I wanted to create my Transmedia mythology map – as seen above.
Well, part of adhering to a continues storyworld is continuing the work of those who came before.
In my case, the wonderful Gary Hayes whose idea I have copied and made my own – my own version of mythology expansion.
In this world of UGC – where one cannot predict where the next Gangham style comes from and idea spreads its wings and comes full circle so fast.
We are in the present shock time – everything that is happening now – is happening now.
With people so preoccupied with their latest update, trend, buzzword – how do we take a big step back, almost an out out earth, 33,000 feet view of the world we are creating to examine exactly where we are going?
I believe we start by asking ourselves – where do we want to go?
What storyworld do we want to create and how do we create it together?

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