Art of the Cut presents our “Voices from Sundance” series of podcasts about editing. Our fourth episode is about documentary feature film editing.

I spoke with Robin Blotnick who edited the documentary, “Knock Down the House” which followed several Democratic candidates in their quest to be part of the Blue Female Wave that recently hit Congress. It made quite a splash at Sundance since one of the candidates chosen – actually before she even decided to run – was Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Blotnick is also a producer on the film and is married to the film’s director, Rachel Lears.
FTC or FCC disclaimer: I am owned far less than your local Congressperson, Senator or President. Those guys are into their corporate sponsors for millions. Do they have to report that to you everytime they expound on TV? No. They can say, “Coal is the greatest thing in the world!” or “There should be no sanctions on Russia.” without stating afterwards, “That’s really how I feel, but Russia gave me $500 million dollars, so I may not be impartial.” Me, on the otherhand, I have to tell you that Adobe flew me out and put me up in a hotel so I could do these interviews. Am I going to sell my soul for a couple of grand? No. The President? A whole ‘nother story.

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